Monday, October 26, 2009

Simple yet tasty…

Sometimes just throwing together some bits and pieces in the kitchen is all you need to.  At a loss as to what to make and without the ambition or desire to try and remedy this mindless state, grabbing a few things from the kitchen and fridge actually turned into a perfectly good lunch…

…of course there was some rice in the rice cooker, so that had to feature, but then I also remembered we have some yukari (dried red shiso/perilla leaves) which makes a great accompaniment to a simple bowl of rice with a lovely plum flavour…


…you can’t beat a bowl of miso soup with your rice, so out came the miso paste to which I added some shungiku (garland chrysanthemum) which is a beautiful leaf and full of flavour…


and my wife has recently been making pickles so it seemed rude not to have a plate of that as well. 


what a great combination…


…so nearly a perfect lunch, but I kinda fancied some meat as well and as luck would have we’ve got a big joint of cha siu pork in the fridge so I chopped off a few pieces, gave them a quick heat-up in a pan and used a sauce made from soy sauce and honey to give it a bit more vavavoom…


…simple and yet tasty, just what you want for a simple lunch without much thought.


chow and chatter said...

looks good love your blog

Reanaclaire said...

hi ..greetings from

Coming by here via foodbuzz, love japanese food, planning to go there in December, hope to get more information here in your blog. Care to keep in touch through our blogs?